Dream it, believe it!


Using the premium plan opens up far more scope for pinpoint training metrics wit the use of INSCYD software.
The principles behind this are using data derived from field tests which give lab test results without using a lab. In short you are provided with far more accurate training zones to match your physiology.

An example of how I use this is shown here.

Currently, the main method of creating training zones is based on a percentage of anaerobic threshold or FTP (Functional Threshold Power)
A certain lactate value
A certain personal best expressed in pace/speed
Maximum heart rate
For example, a typical endurance heart rate training zone could be between 70% – 80% of maximum heart rate. A VO2max training zone could be between 105% – 120% of anaerobic threshold / FTP.
Let’s quickly look at the most important reason why you should not use these kind of training zones.

In order to train the desired outcome for any athlete I use metrics based on each individual and target those precise areas.
For example,
Do you want to create VO2max intervals? We base the training zone intensity on a percentage of VO2max.
Do you want to create intervals in which you burn a lot of fat and increase mitochondria function? We then base the training zone intensity on (a percentage of) FatMax.
Do you want to create a training zone that elicits a high energy contribution from the anaerobic energy system? Base the training zone intensity on a percentage of anaerobic energy contribution.
Last example: do you want to create an endurance training zone that you can sustain? Base the training zone intensity on a carbohydrate combustion rate of (e.g.) 60 grams per hour.
In other words, using these more advanced metrics I can create a training system which is now the gold standard of professional athletes.

In sport everything changes or more to the point, methods progress. It is my duty as a coach to work with the best methods possible to ensure my athletes have the best service possible.


  • Custom built training plan, uploaded weekly to ensure pinpoint progression
  • Daily analysis of training peaks log including heart rate/power files/pace
  • Training zones and targets set using INCSYD
  • Rider profile analysis
  • Unlimited client initiated communication via training peaks, email, plus other media formats.
  • Video chat by appointment
  • Nutritional introduction call
  • Unlimited changes to plan for unforeseen circumstance
  • Pre event consultation to review targets, pacing, fuelling
  • Fully featured premium training peaks account
  • Discount on other WUP services, bike fitting, massage, etc.
  • Inclusion on WUP zwift group rides
  • Partnership discounts exclusive to members
  • In person meet ups by appointment

Prices from £150 per month

Please complete the form to enquire


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